Our Goal:

This problem has outgrown an individual school district’s ability to combat. It is time for the Department of Education to enforce the laws that are already on the books and rein in the exploitation of our kids’ personal information.

Parents are entitled to request access to their child’s data from their local school district, as stated by FERPA. Our previous attempts have shown school districts will vary widely in their ability to adequately respond to the requests, due to the sheer number of educational technology (Ed Tech) vendors used by a typical school district, school districts’ lack of control over these companies, and the historical unwillingness of Ed Tech vendors to turn over student data.

Once a district fails to fully respond to a parent’s request for their child’s data, it becomes a matter for the Department of Education. The more parents who submit these requests, the easier it will be to illustrate that this is a national problem worthy of enforcement.

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